PLEASE NOTE due to limited resources, active programming is granted on a case by case basis
PLEASE NOTE due to limited resources, active programming is granted on a case by case basis
The Sheepdog Program
The Sheepdog Program is a licensed and credentialed counseling program for both mental health and substance abuse specifically tailored for veterans and first responders.
What makes a Sheepdog?
These are men and women who choose to relinquish the comfort and blissful peace that most of society takes for granted. The men and women who decide to stand outside the crowd, placing themselves between the flock and shadows. Staring through the darkness and directly into the eyes of the wolves.
These men and women stand against anything that seeks to hurt the flock behind them. Allowing the allowing our families and friends an opportunity to live in naïve candor with the rest of the flock. We don’t want them to see what we see. To know what lives out there.
The Approach
We aim to treat every individual uniquely and offer them every modality and treatment approach at our disposal; without limiting their access to intensive treatment due to limitations created by insurance companies.
There is no such thing as a generic, clone stamped, predetermined program that should be blanketed across every client. Each client is unique and deserves to be treated according to their needs.
Every case is reviewed by the treatment team to provide the most direct and efficient approach to addressing the clients concerns. The program is fully capable of addressing mental health, behavioral health, TBI, stress management, physical trauma, emotional trauma, and addiction issues.
The Sheepdog Program provides mental health treatment through:
Residential Treatment Programs (RTP)
Partial Hospitalization Programs (PHP)
Intensive Out-Patient programs (IOP)
Out Patient Services (OP)
The Sheepdog Corporation incorporates the most cutting edge treatment modalities available. The curriculum is uniquely crafted for this population and delivered in a way that has demonstrated incredible results. Unlike traditional treatment programs, each client receives a specialized treatment plan that focuses directly on his presenting concerns and diagnoses. Standard RTP, PHP, and IOP programs offer an average of one individual session every 1-2 weeks.
Along with customized group programming, The Sheepdog Corporation provides multiple individual sessions each week. These sessions include:
Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy
Emotional regulation
Medical Assisted Therapy (MAT)
Alternative Medicines
Career Counseling
Marriage Counseling
Family Therapy
Psychological Testing
Mindfulness Meditation
Art Therapy
Behavioral Activation
Experiential Therapy
Adventure Therapy
You have sworn an oath to take care of others.
It is time to take care of yourself as well.
Get Started
To find out more information, please fill out the form below and we will reach out to you within 24-72 hours.